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New Year's Resolutions

It’s that time of year again; the end of one year and the beginning of a new…’s New Years! Along with New Years celebrations comes “New Years Resolutions”. Some dread this tradition and opt out completely, while others fully embrace wiping the slate clean for the new year. It’s a time to kick the bad habits, start new healthier ones and promise to make the upcoming year better than the last.

I challenge you to look at yourself. Look in the mirror if you must (as awkward as that may be). Ask yourself, “Am I as happy and healthy as I can be? As happy and healthy as I deserve to be?” I would venture to say, that for most of us, the answer (after some hesitation of whether we should be honest with ourselves or not) is “no”. That’s okay and it’s normal. Now what are you going to do about that (if anything)… is the next question?

For most of us, we have things in our life that we know could use improvement. We all know that change is hard. We have our habits, our routines and those things that bring us comfort. All those things are necessary in life, but is there a way that we can ensure those things that we do daily and things that bring us comfort, can also bring us health?

Nutrition and lifestyle coaching is a service offered to help assess your current diet and lifestyle and make improvements to get you back to a healthier you. With one-on-one guidance and accountability, you will be challenged to dig deeper into your daily habits and find tweaks, changes, additions (and subtractions) to your diet along with talking through lifestyle habits, hacks and ways to incorporate healthy living into your life. Together, we can talk through what works and doesn’t work for you and make small and sustainable changes.

Colorful Healthy Food

As we roll into a new year, you owe it to yourself to see if there are areas in your life that could be improved. If you’ve been struggling with digestive issues, excess weight, fatigue, etc….know that you don’t have to feel that way forever. There are things to do, the natural way, to get you feeling better again. Not only will you feel and possibly see the changes, but those around you will as well. Commit to making healthier decisions so that you can go sledding with the kids, skiing for a day, go for a walk or run by yourself or companion and get out to enjoy life! You deserve to be healthy!

To find out more about our nutrition and lifestyle coaching, visit our website or email us at

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and blessed 2019!

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